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Alexandra Horowitz

Scriptwriting &

Media Content

Alexandra Horowitz is a writer, director, and producer based in the Washington DC area. She has produced films for Cortina Productions, the Jewish Museum of Maryland, the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington, the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society, and Washington DC's Theatre Lab. Her work has appeared at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and at the Toronto Holocaust Museum, among other venues.  Her documentary short Reawakening was selected to screen at Jewish film festivals across the country. A former Senior Producer at CNN International, Alexandra spent nearly ten years covering business and economics for CNN and its various networks from bureaus in New York, Washington, London, and Hong Kong.  She has produced full shows and individual stories, hard news and features, live and recorded broadcasts. Her writing has appeared in the Washington Post.  Alexandra likes to write plays in her spare time. Her one-act Preserving History was chosen to participate in the Baltimore Playwrights Festival and won first prize in the ARTfactory/Rooftop Productions 10x10 New Play Festival in Manassas, Virginia. Alexandra holds degrees from Brown University and the University of Michigan.  She is Vice President of the Capital Jewish Museum in Washington DC and sits on the Washington DC Regional Board of the Anti-Defamation League. 

Screenings, Productions, & Publications


Laurel Joyce Forum 2020 OFFICIAL SELECTI

Preserving History

The Library

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First Prize Winner


Official Selection

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Dramathon Playwright

"When Your Sanctuary Is Not Necessarily a Haven"


Press and Public Appearances

Jewish Museum Milwaukee

in partnership with Holocaust Museum LA & National Museum of American Jewish History

Critical Conversation Starters:  Charlottesville and the Case Against White Supremacy


Jewish Museum of Maryland


Fighting Back Against Hate

Adas Israel Congregation, Washington DC 

in partnership with the Capital Jewish Museum


Fighting Back Against Hate By Building Community Bonds

JCC Pittsburgh Center for Loving Kindness


A Yom Kippur Reawakening About Dismantling Antisemitism and Racism:  From Charlottesville to Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Article on Yom Kippur Reawakening 

Holocaust Memorial Center, Farmington Hills


Fighting Back Against Hate

Jewish Historical Society of the

Upper Midwest

Panel Discussion:  Surviving Skokie and Reawakening


©2024 Alexandra Horowitz - All Rights Reserved

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